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The SWB102 psychosocial stage theory and multidimensional (MD) framework approach essay discusses human development and behavior. The psychosocial stage theory is essential in understanding human behavior through various life stages. Importantly, Erikson maintained that personality develops in a predetermined order through eight stages of psychosocial development. That is from infancy to adulthood. A tension between inner and outer self can cause a crisis in a person. Notably, people experience varying psychosocial crises that could lead to various impacts. Moreover, the results can be either positive or negative. Therefore, the SWB102 psychosocial stage theory and multidimensional (MD) framework approach research highlight Erickson’s contribution to psychology.

psychosocial stage theory and multidimensional (MD) framework approach


The multidimensional (MD) framework approach is critical towards determining human development and behavior. Mainly, stress, trauma, and grief are everyday experiences for people all around the world. Additionally, many people in the world live without adequate housing, medical care, and employment. Moreover, family violence and mistreatment of children takes place in homes. Therefore, the tension between the inner and outer self can also develop as a result of the conditions. These events and circumstances contribute to unique developmental trajectories. People tend to adapt to these events in different ways. Hence, the SWB102 psychosocial stage theory and multidimensional (MD) framework approach essay discuss experiences that impact human development.

 multidimensional (MD) framework and approach to human development


The tension between the inner self and outer self is typical in the modern world. Each of us is tugged in multiple directions every day and our actions. Moreover, behaviors do not always align with our core values as a result. Thus, becoming aware of our inner and outer self is necessary for balance. The multidimensional (MD) framework approach can help identify issues that may result in tension within a person. Importantly, an awareness of inner and outer self leads to excellent mental, spiritual, and physical health. Lastly, the SWB102 psychosocial stage theory and multidimensional (MD) framework approach research help in identifying discusses of self-tension.

tension between inner and outer self and multidimensional (MD) framework approach

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