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All teachers need classroom management philosophy and personal presentation skills. They need to understand their values and beliefs while respecting the boundaries of their authority. The classroom management philosophy helps teachers formulate a plan that shapes their interactions with students. This way, they can understand the role of students in managing the atmosphere in a classroom. Also, the philosophy serves as a guide to all classroom aspects, including ethical behavior, reward systems, and roles. Teachers with excellent personal presentation skills teach more effectively, and students enjoy learning more. Therefore, by setting the right atmosphere, communication enhances the learning process as the role of students increases.

classroom management philosophy and personal presentation skills


Communication and good personal presentation skills work hand-in-hand. In a classroom situation, students can share their views and opinions, and others can listen and give their feedback. The individual presentation covers what other people both see and hear and strengthens the role of students in a classroom. It includes how you look, what you say, and what you do. Some of the skills required are fluency in communication and good appearance. A great classroom management philosophy helps achieve all these, including enhanced students’ self-confidence and self-esteem. Verbal and non-verbal communication skills also help improve body language and facial expressions. Ultimately, students’ behavior changes and people become politer.
communication and personal presentation skills


Some of the roles of students in a classroom include complying with behavioral and academic expectations, showing respect, and always being punctual. Most educational institutions, however, focus more on academic expectations. When teachers formulate a classroom management philosophy, they should incorporate and outline behavioral expectations to students. This way, students can access a quality educational environment. Additionally, teachers should encourage a collaborative learning environment that enhances students’ academic performance and personal presentation skills. Students contribute to quality learning by showing respect to their teachers by being attentive and active listeners. Respect and punctuality motivate and improve teachers’ productivity as well. Showing respect for others also reduces disruptions in the classroom.

classroom management philosophy and the role of students in classroom management

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