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The routine activity theory and rational choice theory are essential in the field of security. The routine activity theory suggests that crime requires three elements for it to take place. First, there is a motivated offender. Secondly, there is a suitable target, and finally, there is an absent capable guardian. The theory looks into the activities of both the offender and the victim. Theories of crime are essential in preparing for a security plan for a business. An offender looks for easy targets for stealing. Notably, many people go home, leaving commercial buildings unoccupied making them targets. The routine activity theory and rational choice theory help security experts, especially in businesses.


Cornish and Clark developed the rational choice theory, which links to the deterrence theory. The deterrence theory states that individuals make sound decisions to avoid punishment. Moreover, individuals get deterred by criminal sanctions. Theories of crime, such as the rational choice theory, allow for security experts to better protect businesses. Mainly, there are two elements in the rational choice theory. First is that individuals study consequences about crime against the benefit before committing a crime. Secondly, is that individuals select criminal behavior if it is rewarding enough compared to the costs. Application of the routine activity theory and rational choice theory can help in stopping crime for any business.


Several theories of crime show how crime occurs and the participants’ motives. Notably, there are biological theories of crime that explain a link between biology conditions and criminal tendencies. They differ from other crime theories, such as the rational choice theory. Psychologists have shown an explanation between criminal behavior and personality. Mainly, they examined the processes of learning behavior and behavioral restraints. Dr.Sigmund Freud is instrumental in crime psychology through his earliest theories of crime. Significantly, he argued that human nature includes a vast reservoir of instinctual drives that demand gratification. The theories of crime, such as the routine activity theory and rational choice theory, offer insight into crime.

theories of crime and routine activity theory

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