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This dissertation analyses the climate change concept and climate effects on health. People use climate change and global warming interchangeably although, global warming is climate aspect. Climate change is a variation in climatic conditions over a long period. On the other hand, global warming is the rise in temperature levels globally, resulting from factors such as greenhouse gas concentrations. Climate changes include variations in wind patterns, precipitation levels and temperatures. There exist natural and human-induced causes of climatic changes. Extreme and elongated drought periods are an excellent example of climatic change. Moreover, severe tropical storms from warmer ocean temperatures. Also, several temperature monitoring stations around the world facilitate knowledge of the climatic change. Therefore, climate change mitigation strategies are essential in preventing outcomes.
 climate change concept and climate effect on health


This section investigates the climate effects on health. Climatic change influences the occurrence of human diseases in many ways. Some effects increase the existing health threats while others introduce new health conditions. The results depict themselves on different individuals depending on various factors such as age, location and economic resources. Effects on public health arise from disruptions of the biological, physical and ecological systems. Implementation of climate change mitigation strategies is, therefore, crucial. Health problems arising from climate change are respiratory disease, cardiovascular diseases and premature deaths. Moreover, it is a threat to mental health and food distribution. Additionally, the spread of airborne and water-borne diseases. Comprehension of the climate change concept is essential among all human beings.
 analyzing the climate effects on human health


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is a global organization frontline in monitoring the climate. It avails information about the climate change concept to the general public and scientific agencies. Moreover, it works in providing a solution for climate change. Climate change is one of the significant issues in the world today. It is an issue that requires addressing currently otherwise will affect future generations. Some of the climate change mitigation strategies include the following. One, mitigation that is reducing emissions and stabilizing heat-trapping levels of greenhouses gases. Secondly, adoption, involving adapting to the already existing climate change. Embracing these strategies is a step to reducing climate health effects.
climate change mitigation strategies in the 21st century

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