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This research paper examines child development stages and the causes of sleep deprivation in children; the milestone in child development includes sitting, walking, talking, and dressing on their own. There are five stages of development that are crucial for a child’s growth. One is cognitive development by gaining the ability to learn and make decisions. Secondly, social and emotional development enables a child to relate and feel empathy for others. Thirdly, speech and language development facilities learning and understanding languages for communication. Fourthly, excellent motor skills development is an improvement in small muscle coordination. Lastly, gross motor skills are extensive muscle development for substantial activities such as pulling furniture. Sleep is an essential aspect of child growth; hence there are effects of sleep deprivation in children.
 child development stages and causes of sleep deprivation


Sleep deprivation occurs at any of the child development stages. Today we live in a sleep-deprived society. Individuals are so busy they forget to rest. The same case is evident in children but with varying causes of sleep deprivation. Categorization of the cause is in three, physical and behavioral causes. Physical sleep problems result from chronic illnesses or illnesses relating to sleep, such as sleep-disordered breathing(SBD). SBD is a respiratory illness that leads to difficulty in breathing during sleep. Behavioral and psychiatric causes relate to emotional factors such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Some of the reasons are manageable hence preventing the effects of sleep deprivation in children.
 cause of sleep deprivation in children


The average sleep time for a child is nine hours, although this is not the case among many children. Some causes of sleep deprivation apart from physical and behavioral include early school time and technological related distraction. Research reveals that children getting enough sleep have a higher likelihood of demonstrating curiosity in learning new skills. The opposite is exact for sleep-deprived children. Therefore, sleep is vital for child development stages, that is, cognitive development. Sleep-deprived children tend not to complete their homework and not care about their school performance. Additionally, health problems are other effects of sleep deprivation in children. These include a reduction in mental activity, anxiety, and memory lapse.
effects of sleep deprivation in child development

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