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Good BUSM4547 business management should work towards improving employee performance. Business management is managing, organizing, and coordinating business activities. Additionally, it involves marketing and innovation and is in charge of planning, organizing, controlling, and directing the resources of a business to meet the goals and objectives. Moreover, good business leaders motivate their teams and follow the best business management practices for success. Contrarily, employee performance refers to the way that workers behave in the workplace and how well they perform their duties. Essentially, a company sets performance targets for the employees to ensure that they offer good value to customers and operate efficiently with minimal waste.


BUSM4547 business management should engage workers to increase their productivity and attract new talents to the company. Also, this helps in improving employee performance. Additionally, the management should also reward effort to motivate the human resources of a business. This also helps to build team loyalty. The management should also commit themselves to create an atmosphere where people with different perspectives give their ideas. This helps in shaping the goals of an organization. Moreover, business management should seek clarity and focus on aligning the core principles of the organization.

Read more on the best practices in BUSM4547 business management at;


Primarily, improving employee performance is critical for the success of an organization. Additionally, this ensures the effective use of the resources of a business. Also, improving employee performance helps in achieving the goals set by BUSM4547 business management. Furthermore, this creates a positive work environment. This is through the rewarding of performing employees to motivate them to work towards the goals of the business. Moreover, high performing businesses attract quality talents in recruitment.

Read more on the importance of improving employee performance at;

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