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Quality control in operations and supply chain management are essential to ensure the success of a business. Quality control is a process through which a business ensures that it maintains and improves the quality of its products. Moreover, it requires that a business creates an environment that the employees and management strive for perfection. This is by training personnel, checking products for significant variations, and creating benchmarks for the quality of products. Similarly, supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods and services. Furthermore, it includes all the processes which transform raw materials into final products.


Essentially, quality control in operations helps to establish the best quality standards of goods and services which are acceptable to customers. Additionally, it helps to discover the flaws and variations in raw materials and the process of manufacturing. This helps the supply chain management to ensure a smooth process of production. Furthermore, quality control is also essential to evaluate the methods of production and suggest ways of making improvements. Also, it is important in studying and determining the extent of quality deviation in a product during the manufacturing process.

Read more on the objectives of quality control in operations at;


Supply chain management helps a business to improve customer services. It streamlines the process of producing goods and services so that it optimizes brand reputation and customer satisfaction. Moreover, it minimizes the cost of production while maintaining quality control in operations. This ensures that a business produces the best quality of products at minimal costs. Also, supply chain management increases profitability as it helps businesses to take calculative decisions that increase sales and win customer trust. It also helps to reduce the asset costs and ensure speed of service.

Read more on the significance of supply chain management at;

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