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Understanding industrial-organizational psychology assists in resolving workplace conflicts. Primarily, industrial-organizational psychology is the study of the group, individual, and organizational dynamics in a place of work. These dynamics may be different in different places of work. The study of human behavior enables psychologists to determine the dedication of workers in a company, how well teams communicate, and how the issues affect productivity, absenteeism rate, and efficiency. Additionally, industrial-organizational psychology also deals with the development of procedures for hiring, training, and retaining workers in an organization. This entails conducting research into the dynamics of the workplace and applying the findings to optimize worker satisfaction and business efficiency. Moreover, this enables a company to identify the barriers to productivity and efficiency.

Read more on understanding industrial-organizational psychology and resolving workplace conflict at;


Understanding industrial-organizational psychology helps to analyze the productivity of a workplace. Organizational psychology determines methods of improving the productivity of the workers in a company such as moving them to different processes in the production chain. Furthermore, it offers various techniques for team building to help employees to see themselves as part of the organization working towards a common goal. Industrial-organizational psychology also improves the recruitment methods of a company. This is through the enhancement of the company`s focus on experience and skills. Additionally, it assists in resolving workplace conflict by focusing on concerns such as the need for respect, empowerment, effectiveness, and dignity.

Read more on the benefits of understanding industrial-organizational psychology at;


Resolving workplace conflict requires the use of various techniques. Understanding industrial-organizational psychology greatly helps in managing and resolving conflicts. The first step is always to embrace the conflict. This is because failing to address conflict may lead to a buildup of tension in the workplace hence making the situation worse. The parties in conflict should then have time to talk about their disagreements. Moreover, all parties need to listen carefully. It is then important to find a point of agreement. This also helps to build a relationship between workers in a company. The leaders of the company may also guide to help the employees to work on their problems.

Read more on the strategies for resolving workplace conflict at;

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