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Drug withdrawal symptoms often show in instances when an individual experiences substance use disorder. It is a disease that affects a person`s brain and behavior leading to the inability to control the use of the drug or medication. Additionally, this makes a person continue using the drug despite the harm that it may be causing. Moreover, the risk of addiction and the rate at which someone becomes an addict varies with the type of drug. As the person`s drug use increases, it becomes more difficult to go without the drug. Consequently, attempts to stop using the drug may cause someone to feel physically ill or have an intense craving for the drug.


There are various symptoms of substance use disorder. A person with substance abuse disorder may have a persistent wish to stop using the drug or substance. However, the person continues to use the type of drug despite knowing that it causes a physical or psychological health problem. Moreover, a person may exhibit drug withdrawal symptoms when using the substance. People with substance use disorder spend a lot of time trying to obtain the substance, use it, or recovering from its use. They are also likely to reduce their social or recreational activities due to substance use.

Read more on common symptoms of substance use disorder at;


The nature of drug withdrawal symptoms that people experience depends on various individual factors such as the duration that they have been struggling with their addiction and the type of drug that they use. Additionally, they may be a sign of substance use disorder. The physical symptoms of drug withdrawal include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness, fatigue, headaches, and high temperatures. The psychological symptoms  include depression, insomnia, panic attacks, paranoia, and intense craving for the drug. Furthermore, a person may experience short-term memory loss.

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