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NUR707 health data management involves the organization of electronic medical records, electronic health records, and other handwritten medical records in a digital repository form. Moreover, it deals with the integration and organizing of medical data that enables easier analysis hence enhancing patient care. Resultantly, this makes patient care more efficient, improves medical outcomes, and protects the privacy of the data. Additionally, health data management is a practice that involves making sense of data and managing it to make it beneficial to medical practitioners, and healthcare organizations.


Primarily, NUR707 health data management helps to create a comprehensive view of the patients, patient groups, and their households. This is through the composite profiles in electronic health records that provide their status and enable predictions. Health data management also improves health outcomes by tracking the health trends in certain regions or specific populations and suggesting measures to counter rising health complications. Furthermore, it assists in enhancing patient care and improving patient engagement. They provide reminders to patients and other healthcare suggestions that are relevant to them basing on the predictions. Also, it analyzes the data on healthcare practitioners and aligns them with the goals of a healthcare facility.


Electronic health records assist in enhancing patient care. This is by enabling quick access to patient records leading to more efficiency in health care. They also help in effective treatment while increasing the operational efficiency of the practice. Effective NUR707 health data management of electronic health records provides medical practitioners with health analytics that help in predicting diagnosis, recognizing patterns, and recommending potential treatment options. Additionally, storing health records electronically eliminates the risk of damage, misplacement, and alteration of sensitive data. The physicians can also update patient information providing accurate patient files.

Read more on the advantages of electronic health records at;

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