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Effective interpersonal communication and intercultural communication skills help to enhance proper communication. Interpersonal communication refers to the exchange of information between two or more people. It helps to understand how humans use both verbal and nonverbal cues. Besides, it helps to achieve several personal and relationship goals. Intercultural communication on the other hand involves communication between people from two different cultures. Additionally, it is a symbolic transitional, interpretive and contextual process. This, therefore, allows people from different cultures to create a shared meaning for various aspects. By viewing intercultural communication helps to unfold symbolic intercultural spaces.

Read more on effective interpersonal communication and intercultural communication skills at;


Intercultural communication is important in two ways. Firstly, it helps to remove cultural barriers. This is because it helps to build awareness of cultural norms as well as enhancing self-awareness and effective interpersonal communication skills. Moreover, this allows for people to meet the needs of global business values. Also, International affairs graduate programs work to remove cultural barriers by teaching analysis and interpretation for cross-cultural interactions Secondly, it improves negotiations skills. This, therefore, enhances the ability of people to negotiate this increasing individual marketability within the global workforce. Moreover, each culture has its own set of rules when it comes to negotiating.

Read more on the importance of intercultural communication skills at;


Several ways can help to enhance effective interpersonal communication. These include being open and asking for feedback hence helps to exchange ideas. Secondly, individuals should avoid talking over others since it shows that they do not value the speaker. Alternatively, a person can use other means to get themselves heard. Thirdly, avoiding the act of finishing other people’s sentences. This is because it shows that one is not interested in what the speaker is talking about. Lastly, active listening whereby you let the speaker know you are connecting with them by nodding or responding when they ask a question.

Read more on the ways to enhance effective interpersonal communication at;

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