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Autism spectrum disorder is one major disability in children. A child with any kind of disability might find it difficult to perform certain functions. These disabilities may either be physical or mental. For instance, physical disabilities may include senses like hearing and mental disabilities may concentration problems. Contrarily, most people with disabilities might be weak in one area but very strong in other areas of life. Statistically, about one in fifty children live with disabilities. Notably, some develop after birth, some are a result of injury and others are hereditary. Common disabilities like autism create challenges in development, thinking and behaviour.

Read more on disabilities in children and autism spectrum disorder at;


Disability in children comes along with several impacts. Firstly, they face barriers to participation in school activities. This is often due to their inability to participate in physical activities especially for those physically disabled. Secondly, children with mental disabilities have a lower rate of school attendance and they are likely to start school at a normal age. Additionally, they experience difficulty in transitioning through the levels of education. For instance, a child with an autism spectrum disorder might find it difficult to get used to new classmates as they move to the next level. Moreover, for children in special schools, the level of education that they receive is inadequate as compared to those in regular schools.

Read more on the major impacts of disability in children at;


Autism spectrum disorder comes along with various risk factors first, the sex of a child is a risk since boys are four times likely to develop the disorder as compared to girls. Also, the family history poses a risk . Therefore, a family in which one child has the disorder is most likely to have another child with the same disorder. Moreover, parents with social and communication skills problems are likely to have a child with autism. Nevertheless, disability in children also poses a risk of autism since they already have other preexisting conditions that disturb them mentally. Lastly, delivering a child who is extremely preterm mostly before 26 weeks of gestation is most likely to have the disorder.

Read more on risk factors of autism spectrum disorder at;

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