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Cystic fibrosis in children is one of the major causes of the prevalence of malnutrition. This is an inherited condition that majorly causes a buildup of sticky mucus in the lungs and digestive system. Notably, this causes various lung infections and problems of digestion. Moreover, in regions like the United Kingdom, with the help of the newborn screening heel prick test, it is easier to discover the condition at birth. Also, the symptoms of this disease vary from child to child and they may start showing in early childhood. In worst cases, the condition prevails, therefore, damaging both the lungs and the digestive system.

Read more on cystic fibrosis in children and prevalence of malnutrition at;


There are several symptoms of cystic fibrosis in children which are as follows. Firstly, the recurring chest infections are due to the damage that occurs in the lungs. There is also coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. This is due to damage to the airways. Additionally, there is difficulty in putting on weight and growing which often leads to the prevalence of malnutrition. Moreover, newborn babies may experience bowel obstruction commonly known as meconium ileus. In this case, the child might need surgery to correct the condition. Lastly, the child may experience yellowing of the skin and whiteness of the eyes.

Read more on the symptoms of cystic fibrosis in children at;


The prevalence of malnutrition often occurs when a person does not receive enough nutrients from their diet. The major factors causing this include lack of food which is common among low-income groups as well as the homeless. Secondly, it may rise from digestive illnesses like ulcerative colitis or even cystic fibrosis in children. Moreover, those with an eating disorder like anorexia nervosa may also experience malnutrition since they have difficulty maintaining adequate nutrition. Also, individuals with limited nutrition knowledge tend to follow an unhealthy diet. Therefore, they do not get enough minerals, nutrients and vitamins hence develop a risk of malnutrition.

Read more on the factors causing the prevalence of malnutrition at;

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