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When managing organizational change, an organization may decide to use different change management models. Organizational change occurs when an organization makes a transition from its current state to a future state that it desires. Moreover, managing organizational change refers to the process of planning and implementing change in an organization while minimizing employee resistance and the cost that the organization incurs. Additionally, it also entails maximizing the effectiveness of the change effort. A business requires frequent changes to ensure that it remains competitive. Therefore, organizations need to plan change initiatives proactively for the process to become successful.

Read more on managing organizational change and change management models at;


Prioritizing people is essential when managing organizational change. This is because the people sustain the momentum of the change. The people that need to go through the changes should understand, believe, and engage in the change. Furthermore, an organization may work with change management models. These models assist leaders in planning and implementing change. They connect the business strategy to action hence increasing its likelihood of success. Additionally, it is important to empower employees through communication. Communication provides clarity for why the change is necessary and mobilizes people with a sense of urgency for the change.

Read more on strategies for effectively managing organizational change at;


Organizations can use different change management models to make the change process successful. Lewin`s change management model is one of the most popular approaches for planning and implementing change. It splits the change process into three stages to make the process effective. Kotter`s theory of managing organizational change focuses more on the people behind the change rather than the change itself. This inspires a sense of urgency for the change and maintains the momentum. The McKinsey model helps to analyze the coherence of an organization. It enables an organization to highlight the changes it requires by analyzing seven aspects of the organization and how they affect each other.

Read more on examples of change management models for organizations at;

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