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The lifespan development of humans encompasses various aspects such as early childhood development. Moreover, it refers to the process of human development from conception to death. It aims to understand the way people develop, grow, and change throughout their lives. Furthermore, it helps individuals to understand themselves better and their relationships. Lifespan development is a holistic approach to understand all the physiological, emotional, social, and cognitive changes that people go through. The periods of development reflect unique aspects of various stages of childhood and adulthood.

Read more on lifespan development of humans and early childhood development at;


Fundamentally, the first stage of lifespan development of humans is prenatal development. It is the period where conception occurs and development begins. Infancy and toddlerhood is the stage that occurs during the first two years of an infant. It forms part of the early stages of childhood where dramatic growth and change occur. Early childhood development follows this stage. It refers to the period between age two to six. A child develops a sense of self and greater independence. Furthermore, they begin to learn the working of the physical world. Middle childhood begins and age six and continues to age eleven.

Read more on the stages of lifespan development of humans at;


Early childhood development is a stage in the lifespan development of humans that requires the intervention of parents. The parenting style affects both the growth and development of a child. Primarily, as children grow up, positive parenting improves their social, cognitive, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, it affects their responses and helps them to grow up to become better adults. In the early stages of childhood, children tend to observe the interactions of their parents with other people. Resultantly, they learn how to behave with others. Moreover, parenting styles helps children to learn to accept failures and overcoming them. Consequently, this governs their response to stimuli hence positively developing their minds.

Read more on the role of parents in early childhood development at;

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