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6101-W6-cultural awareness helps in the management and success of social work practice. Cultural awareness takes into account sensitivity in the similarities and differences that exist between different cultures. Moreover, this sensitivity plays a role in effective communication with the members of different cultural groups thus ensuring a mutual understanding. This concept goes hand in hand with other concepts such as cultural safety, cultural competence and cultural respect. Social work practice consists of the professional application of social work values. It also has principles and techniques to help in the smooth running of various social activities. This concept is mostly applicable to professionals that handle large groups of people within a given time.

Read more on 6101-W6-cultural awareness and social work practice at;


Social work practice follows various principles. Firstly, guaranteed help whereby the social workers are often the last resort to the people. Therefore, they need to provide any kind of help that would curb the situation at hand. Secondly, having a proactive approach. This involves the search for information for fellow social workers, therefore, helping in solving the problem in the best way possible. Thirdly, professional performance of social work. In this principle, the worker needs to act professionally by using concepts like 6101-W6-cultural awareness to help in motivating the client this ensures maximum cooperation. Also, there is the principle of record-keeping in which the worker keeps records of the client thus easy retrieval when needed.

Read more on the principles of social work practice at;


6101-W6-cultural awareness is important in the workplace since it helps people to understand and appreciate the different cultures present. It also minimizes the impact of cultural myopia since a person can interact with different cultures. Moreover, it improves communication and collaboration between people, especially during social work practice. Additionally, it helps to reduce the risk of mistakes, wasted time and unwanted errors at work since there is proper interaction between the people. Nevertheless, this practice helps to foster creativity and innovation in the workplace since the people are exposed to different cultures and beliefs. Lastly, it stops people from making quick judgement calls on others.

Read more on the importance of 6101-W6-cultural awareness at;

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