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Social media advertising helps to enhance marketing in business. Social media advertising is an offshoot of digital marketing where paid ad campaigns are run on social media platforms to reach target audiences. It also involves using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Marketing on the other hand involves activities a company undertakes hence promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Additionally, marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses. Consequently, Marketers and advertisers can promote their brands and inspire sales through the social channels that users frequently use.

Read more on social media advertising and marketing in business at;


Social media advertising has five major components discussed as follows. The first is the campaign overview which includes the elements of the social advertisement campaign. It also includes the objectives of the campaign. The second is the target audience. This refers to the people who an advertisement aims at. This component, therefore, includes the identification of the characteristics and traits of the people. The third is the campaign creatives, this includes the messages, images, and videos that they aim to use for marketing in business. The fourth component is the social media platform which involves choosing the right social media platform. Thus it helps in the determination of a budget and ad formats. Lastly, there is the campaign budget and success metrics which include the fees and expenses to put up an advertisement.

Read more on the components of social media advertising at;


Marketing in business is beneficial since it helps in generating traffic. This leads to the growing number of visitors into the business thus increasing sales. It also helps a business to increase revenue through a variety of strategies like optimizing a business’s website and creating email campaigns. This also helps to increase sales. Additionally, through social media advertising, marketing helps to raise brand awareness since it gets people acquainted with the brand and the products or services available. This also makes a business memorable to the customers hence they become loyal clients. Lastly, marketing helps to build trust in a brand. This not only leads to customer loyalty but also leads to great reviews both online and offline.

Read more on the benefits of marketing in business at;

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