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The types of network infrastructure and the challenges in network infrastructure are vital aspects of the business environment. Network infrastructure comprises hardware and software, systems, and devices, enabling computing and communication between users, services, applications, and processes. Providently, there are different types of network infrastructure. They include routers, switches, firewalls, optical fiber cables, and gateways. In this digital age, a robust, clean, and secure network infrastructure is primary for an organization’s agility and productivity. Therefore, business executives must understand the importance of network infrastructure and the challenges and opportunities it presents. Consequently, the benefits of network infrastructures include risk detection and management, improved customer service levels, and increased job satisfaction. However, the challenges in network infrastructure include costly equipment and dealing with duplicate data.

Read more on the types, importance, and challenges of network infrastructure at 


The challenges in network infrastructure include a need for organizations to centralize traffic from multiple different subnets and sites. Without a consolidated hub, network visibility, monitoring, and management are near impossible. Thus a central hub enables companies to understand and monitor the data traversing their different types of network infrastructure. In some cases, duplicate data can comprise a higher percentage of network traffic. Thus, removing replica data is critical for the effectiveness of network security solutions in detecting threats. Lastly, sending the right type of data to the right tool is a vital aspect of infrastructure networking. However, the latter may be costly if it involves different sources. In conclusion, despite the importance of network infrastructure, organizations should also assess the difficulties surrounding their operation.

Read more on the challenges in network infrastructure at


The types of network infrastructure include routers, which forward traffic, allowing devices and networks to connect. Secondly, switches connect all the computers to a local area network (LAN). Notably, the latter allows easy syncing and connectivity, the primary importance of network infrastructure. Thirdly, hubs and bridges forward traffic to connected devices, while gateways connect different types of networks. Fourthly, optical fiber cables provide Internet access to devices, whereas network management systems organize all network tools. Fifthly, firewalls control traffic and secure the network safety, while a VPN allows connection to a trusted network. Lastly, Intrusion protection systems keep unauthorized parties or unapproved devices from joining a network. In conclusion, the network infrastructure is the foundation upon which a successful organization builds. However, there are challenges in network infrastructure.

Read more on the application and types of network infrastructure at

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