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This dissertation explains the computer network security threats and computer security practices. Computer network security is the protection of computer systems and information and from harm, theft, and unauthorized use. The components of a computer system that needs to be protected are hardware, firmware, and software.  Computer network security threats are possible dangers that can hamper the normal functioning of the computer. They include malware, phishing, and structured language query (SQL). Providently, the effects of cybersecurity threats include theft of data, vandalism, fraud, and invasion of privacy. Security threats affect the overall performance of computer systems. In conclusion, computer security threats are negatively impacting network reliability and productivity. Fortunately, there are several computer security practices primarily concerned with confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Read more on the computer network security threats and security practices at


The computer network security threats include a virus, a self-replicating program that spreads malicious codes throughout system files. Secondly, trojans are disguised as legitimate software, while spyware secretly records what a user does. Thirdly, ransomware locks down a user’s data with the threat of erasing it unless the payment of a ransom. Notably, the effects of cybersecurity threats vary with the types of attack involved. Fourthly, a worm self-replicates from one computer to another, while a botnet is a group of compromised computers. Fifthly, phishing is an attempt to steal sensitive financial or personal information through fraudulent email or instant messages. Lastly, a structured language query injection takes control of and steals data from a database. Therefore, computer security practices are essential against these attacks.

Read more on the types and implications of Computer security threats at


Computer security practices include installing reliable, reputable security and anti-virus software and activating a firewall. Secondly, regularly updating one’s software to prevent any information leaks. Thirdly, adjusting privacy settings and passwords, avoiding disclosing sensitive information, and using end to end encryption. Fourthly, using an anonymous browser to browse the web. Anonymous browsers offer varying degrees of security against various computer network security threats. Fifthly, keeping a low profile, hiding IP address, and using a gender-neutral email address if necessary.  Lastly, seeking help and discussing safety and privacy settings with one’s Internet Service Provider. Unfortunately, the effects of cybersecurity threats are increasing at a rapid pace, and more sophisticated attacks are emerging. Thus, having a good foundation in computer security is vital against ever-evolving cyber threats.

Read more on the types and applications of computer security practices at
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