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This thesis discusses the types of psychotic depression and the treatment of psychotic depression. Psychotic depression is a subtype of major depression characterized by some form of psychosis. Notably, psychosis involves a loss of contact with reality. Consequently, there are two types of Psychotic depression both with, delusions and hallucinations psychotic features. They include mood-congruent and mood-incongruent psychotic disorders. The exact cause of the illness is unknown. However, the risk factors of psychotic depression can increase the chances of the disease. They include a combination of psychological and biological factors. Common symptoms for patients who have psychotic depression include agitation, anxiety, constipation, hypochondria, insomnia, and delusions or hallucinations. In conclusion, this disorder can negatively affect many areas of a patient’s life. Moreover, there are several measures for the treatment of psychotic depression.

Read more on the types of psychotic depression and treatment of psychotic depression at


There are two types of psychotic depression. The mood-congruent psychotic disorder involves consistency of symptoms with typical depressive themes. These may include feelings of personal inadequacy, guilt, or worthlessness. Alternatively, the mood-incongruent psychotic disease is characterized by symptoms without depressive themes. Notably, there are several risk factors for psychotic depression. First, people with a family or personal history of mental disorders are more likely to develop psychotic depression. Secondly, Women are twice as likely as men to develop the disease. Thirdly, high levels of cortisol affects the production of certain brain chemicals, contributing to the development of psychotic depression. Lastly, changes in the balance of hormones in the body can trigger the onset of the disease. Generally, the use of medications or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is vital for the treatment of psychotic depression.

Read more on the risk factors and types of psychotic depression at


This section discusses the treatment of psychotic depression. For instance, different medications stabilize an individual’s mood and impact the unbalanced neurotransmitters in the brain. Notably, antipsychotics drugs include aripiprazole (Abilify), asenapine (Saphris), cariprazine (Vraylar), olanzapine (Zyprexa). Alternatively, antidepressants include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), such as fluoxetine (Prozac). Each drug has unique side effects and may differ in its clinical efficacy profile. Notably, the type of medicine administered is dependent on the types of psychotic disorder of the patient. Secondly, electroconvulsive therapy is a safe and highly effective treatment for patients who do not respond to traditional medications. The latter involves sending electrical currents in controlled amounts into the brain by a physician. In conclusion, understanding the risk factors of psychotic depression are vital for the prevention of the disorder.

Read more on the treatment and prevention of psychotic depression at

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