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This essay discusses the types of impulse control disorder and treatment of impulse control disorders. An impulse control disorder is a condition in which a person has trouble controlling certain emotions or behaviors. Often, the actions violate the rights of others or conflict with societal norms. Notably, the types of impulse control disorders include kleptomania, pyromania, and oppositional defiant disorder. Common symptoms include Lying, stealing, destroying property, displaying volatile anger, having sudden outbursts, harming other people and animals, and overeating. Therefore, their impulsive behaviors are repeated and without consideration of the consequences of the actions. The risk factors of impulse control disorder increase the chances of the illness. They include being male, drug abuse, or having other mental disorders. Fortunately, there are several beneficial approaches to the treatment of impulse control disorders.

Read more on the types and treatment for impulse control disorders at


The types of impulse control disorders include intermittent explosive disorder, characterized by persistent impulsive and angry outbursts. Secondly, Oppositional defiant disorder involves a person who frequently loses their temper, and often becomes angry or resentful. Thirdly, Conduct disorder consists of persistent behavior that violates social rules such as destroying other people’s property. Fourthly, kleptomania is the constant and irresistible urge to steal. Lastly, pyromania involves an individual who repeatedly and deliberately sets fires without regard to the destruction or injury their actions may cause. There is no single cause of the illnesses. However, risk factors of impulse control disorders are both internal and external stressors that trigger the development of the disease. They include Genetic predisposition, chronic drug use, having other mental health issues. Providently, the treatment of impulse control disorders involves various effective measures.

Read more on the characteristics and types of impulse control disorders at


The risk factors of impulse control disorders involve a combination of physiological, environmental, and genetic conditions. They include being male, genetic predisposition, chronic drug use, being subjected to trauma, abuse, or neglect, Exposure to violence or aggression, and having other mental health issues, such as depression. Fortunately, the treatment of impulse control disorders often involves behavioral therapies and medications. Consequently, therapy is a central treatment option and is associated with addressing any other underlying conditions. They include group, family, or cognitive behavior therapy. Also, a doctor may prescribe antidepressants or mood stabilizers to help balance out the brain chemicals. Lastly, treating any existing mental health or neurological conditions may help improve symptoms of poor impulse control. In conclusion, one should understand the signs, risk factors, and types of impulse control disorders to select the best treatment method.

Read more on the risk factors and treatment for impulse control disorders at

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