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The article will discuss the Buffalo creek disaster and the federal case. A coal waste impoundment dam along the buffalo creek in west Virginia collapsed in February 1972. Initially, this led to the death of 125 people and caused over $50 million in damage. Also, the disaster is one of the costliest and yet preventable mining-related catastrophes. Pittston coal company, who was the owners of the buffalo creek were responsible for the tragedy. Primarily, they had improperly constructed an impoundment dam while willfully disregarding safety concerns.


The Pittston and Buffalo creek company relationship existed as the Pittston company was the buffalo creek owner. The Buffalo Mining company was a division of the Pittston company and operated five underground mines. Initially, the first mine in the area was No. 5 and got opened in 1945. Consequently, Pittston constructed an impoundment dam known as No. 3 without considering safety concerns and two other dams. Furthermore, Pittston’s disregard for safety stemmed from west Virginia’s lax regulations and inspection policies for mine safety. The Buffalo creek disaster resulted in deaths and led to a federal case to seek justice.


The Buffalo creek disaster federal case was suitable over a state case due to corruption in Logan County courts. Gerald Stern was able to find a cause in Buffalo creek’s survivors, winning one of the largest judgments. Moreover, he was able to win his law firm, Arnold &Porter, a fee of $3 million. Gerald faced several barriers in the case against the Pittston Company with its huge resources of lawyers. Mainly, he had to discredit two Pittston legal strategies, one of them being that of the “act of God” theory.

 the Buffalo creek disaster federal case and Buffalo Mining Company

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