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The article provides information on the Toyota layout plan and various supply chain performance metrics. Mainly, Toyota has constantly been evolving while aiming to reduce waste by improving its assembly lines to improve efficiency. Toyota’s old standard layout had three to four sub-lines, which were about three hundred meters long. Additionally, Toyota had layout experiments at their new Kyushu plant, which got split eleven self-contained subsections. In 1994, the Motomachi plant got renovated, whereby longer segments got split into smaller parts. The new and current Motomachi plant contains more individual segments divided by smaller green boxes.

the Toyota layout plan


There are three supply chain performance metrics that companies can use to measure their performance. Mainly, each performance metric highlights a different aspect of a company’s supply chain. Companies need to prioritize the metric, which is important to the profitability and efficiency of the company. Firstly, time taken where companies examine metrics relating to time hence easily understood and calculated. Secondly, there is a cost, which is important as it shows the company’s efficiency, which relates to profitability. Finally, we have a quality which works for companies wanting to improve customer satisfaction. The essay discusses the Toyota layout plan and the three performance metrics important to companies.


Companies can use various supply chain performance metrics to help in increasing supply chain efficiency. Primarily, companies need to increase their supply chain’s visibility, which involves tracking every component from the supplier to them. Secondly, it can increase supply chain efficiency by automating and managing well the necessary parts. Automation may therefore require employees to gain extra training on using various machines. Thirdly, companies can engage their IT department on software that can streamline the supply chain. In conclusion, this article highlights the Toyota layout plan useful for improving performance.

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