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This essay discusses the Obama 2012 election and the Obama 2012 reelection campaign. The Obama 2012 election was the 57th quadrennial American presidential election. The Obama 2012 reelection campaign was formally announced on April 4, 2011. His main opponent was former Massachusettes Governor Mitt Romney   . The election took place on November 6, 2012. Obama won his reelection bid by a margin of 51.06 to 47.21%. This was the first time since 1994 for a Democratic president to win by a majority of the electoral votes and over 51% of the popular vote twice. On January 21st, 2013, Obama was inaugurated  as the 44th president of the US. The Obama 2012 reelection campaign was highly effective in getting out the vote, using technology to identify voters, and in capitalizing on the growing democratic composition of the 2012 electorate.

Read more on the Obama 2012 election and reelection campaign at


The events leading up to the Obama 2012 election were; four Presidential debates held by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates  (CPD). Also, Hurricane Sandy that hit the New England coast a week before the election was an important event. The hurricane shifted focus away from campaigns and Obama was able to take a bipartisan position through his immediate contributions and be “presidential”. The Obama 2012 reelection campaign therefore focused heavily on domestic issues, and sound responses to the Great Recession. Other issues included; long-term federal budget issues, the future of social insurance programs, and the Affordable Care Act, Obama’s marquee legislative program, and Foreign policy issues like military spending. The campaign mainly focused on the emerging groups and the growing democratic composition of the 2012 electorate. The campaign was marked by a sharp rise in fundraising, including from nominally independent Super PACs.

Read more on events of the Obama 2012 election a focus of campaign at


The Obama 2012 election provided a mandate for governing that focuses on improving the economy, protecting key social programs, expanding opportunity, and addressing rising inequality. The Obama 2012 reelection campaign focused on emerging groups and led to the development of the progressive coalition of multiracial, multiethnic, and cross-class. He is the first Democratic president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt to win two terms with more than 50 percent of the total popular vote and. This was due to the shifting demographic composition of the 2012 electorate—rising percentages of people of color, unmarried and working women. However, progressives witnessed the rise of a resurgent conservative movement. Despite these challenges, President Obama successfully stitched together a new coalition in American politics. This is through uniting disparate constituencies and social advancement for all people regardless of race, and gender.

Read more on the changes due to the Obama 2012 election at

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