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The article will discuss marijuana’s long-term effects and marijuana abuse intervention for addicted users. Mainly, marijuana is one of the most popular drugs in the market. Moreover, many people have the impression that it is harmless and a fun substance. However, it is still a drug that changes the brains functioning and can result in serious consequences. Marijuana has several long-term effects on the brain, making it a dangerous drug to many people. Notably, the long-term effects are associated with marijuana’s THC mimicking endocannabinoids produced in the brain. Marijuana’s long-term effects among users call for urgent marijuana abuse intervention to reduce the effects.

On marijuana’s long-term effects


Marijuana users are oblivious of the real dangers of marijuana to their health. Primarily, there are two defining patterns to marijuana’s reputation as harmless. First, people trying marijuana never use much of it and may end up using it scarcely. Using marijuana is dangerous and may lead to a higher chance of dependency than lifetime smokers getting lung cancer. Mainly, marijuana dependency is not fatal, but it is harmful and more common than people think. Secondly, there is a high concentration of marijuana use among the growing minority who use it daily. Many marijuana users consume the drug for more than half the hours that they are awake. The essay will highlight marijuana’s long-term effects and marijuana abuse interventions.

 on marijuana’s long-term effects and dangers of marijuana


Marijuana abuse intervention is important for marijuana users whose quality of life gets affected hugely. It is a gateway drug, and users do not have to go into harder drugs for marijuana to become a problem. Notably, some people smoke marijuana all the time and do not require intervention. Intervention works for families that feel a loved one is going nowhere fast and thus needs to quit. Mainly, there are a few side effects of marijuana, such as decreased motivation, problems thinking and recalling, and a loss of coordination. Marijuana’s long-term effects pose a danger to users and thus should seek marijuana abuse intervention programs.

marijuana abuse interventions and marijuana side effects

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