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This research paper investigates types of back pain and the causes of chronic back pain; Back pain occurs along the spine and in the adjoining muscles. It varies in intensity and frequency of occurrence. Chronic back pains are a sign of a problem associating to the backbone, therefore require immediate attention. Some back pains if not treated result in irreversible damages of the spine. Categorization is into two; thoracic back pain and middle back pain. Thoracic back pain is one in the upper back region caused by severe underlying conditions. Middle back pain is one occurring above the lumbar region of the spine. Its symptoms are vague and difficult to diagnose. There are various remedies for managing back pain.
 types of back pain and causes of chronic back pain


There are several causes of chronic back pain. The term chronic refers to something severe and keeps recurring over time. Therefore, chronic back pains last not less than three months. On the other hand, acute back pain last not more than six weeks. Its causes include falling and heavy lifting. Incorporation of remedies for managing back pain reduces the pain over time. Ruptured disks are one cause of chronic back pain. This is because discs act as cushions of the spine. Also, arthritis affects the lower back. In extreme cases, it leads to narrowing of the spaces around the spinal code. Lastly, individual initiative in the comprehension of types of back pain is essential for monitoring health.
 common causes of chronic back pain


Different factors trigger various types of back pain. Nearly 80% of people experiencing back problems suffer from back problems.  Back pain affects daily functionality of tasks. For example, the inability of conducting house chores, sitting and sleeping correctly. The following are the remedies for managing back pain. One is limiting time for bed rest by regularly being on the move. Secondly, conducting simple exercises like walking. Thirdly, maintaining an appropriate sitting posture while undergoing daily activities. Fourthly, seeking help from a specialist who in some cases, recommends medications for treating the pain. Additionally, adjusting the sleep position is another remedy. Avoiding the preventable causes of chronic back pain is equally essential in reducing the risk of back pain.
 analyzing the remedies for managing back pain

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