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This paper discusses the principles of management and the functions of management. Management is essential for the effective running of organizational activities. It is the backbone of success in an organization. Formal academic management background is essential for this successful management. Management is therefore a set of principles relating to the functions of planning, directing, organizing, controlling resources efficiently, and effectively to achieve organizational goals and objectives. This activity is important in leadership for the smooth running of all organizational functions.
principles of management and functions of management


The basic principles of management include the following principles. The division of work increases efficiency and improves results. Balancing authority and responsibility to ensure equality between power and duties. The discipline which involves respect for the rules and regulations of the organization. Unity of command is a principle that ensures employees receive orders from one superior to reduce dual subordination. The unity of direction involves managers having one plan for the group with the same goals and objectives. Management involves the subordination of individual interests with group interests and this brings the spirit of teamwork. Orders is also a principle that ensures everything is in the right place. Equity ensures justice to all employees which creates trust within the organization. All these principles help to successfully facilitate the functions of management.
 basic principles of management


There are four major functions of management. These are planning, organization, leading, and controlling. Planning ensures managers establish goals and objectives of the organization and create a course of action to achieve them. This involves the analysis of the different possible alternatives. Organizing helps to distribute resources and delegate tasks to personnel to achieve the goals set. Leading ensures motivation and influence on the employees to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. This requires putting in place the principles of management to ensure successful leadership. Controlling involves monitoring the execution of plans and making adjustments where needed. During this task, the managers train employees on ways to effectively beat working deadlines and also evaluate their quality of work.
 major functions of management

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