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Management with good leadership skills requires a strategic management process to ensure that it meets its objectives. Primarily, strategic management is the managing of the resources of an organization to ensure that it achieves its goals and objectives. Moreover, it outlines the development of strategies and focuses on putting strategies into practice. Also, strategic management involves setting objectives, analyzing the competitive environment, and ensuring the implementation of the strategies. Contrarily, leadership skills are qualities that help leaders to interact with employees to ensure the success of an organization. Additionally, leaders can obtain these skills through teaching and learning over time.

Read more on the strategic management process and good leadership skills at;


An organization can best implement a strategic management process when everyone within the organization understands the strategy. Also, the management should clarify the vision and mission to the employees. They should be realistic and match the goals of the organization. Additionally, it should identify the process of accomplishing the set objectives. This is essential for the success of the organization. Furthermore, the management should gather and analyze information that is relevant to accomplishing the vision with the use of good leadership skills. It should then formulate a strategy with the available resources and seek other areas to find external resources.

Read more on the phases of the strategic management process at;


Fundamentally, communication is an important aspect of good leadership skills. Moreover, the ability to express ideas and associate with other people is a foundation of effective leadership. Also, integrity is a requirement for leaders in any organization. Leaders who lead by example by their honesty encourage others. Furthermore, for the success of the organization, all the members should embrace integrity. Good leadership should also have a vision in their strategic management process. The vision helps in decision-making and setting the organizational direction. Leaders should also influence others and improve their attitude. They should practice humility and express concern for the well-being of others.

Read more on the qualities of good leadership skills at

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