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This essay discusses the pathology and prevention measures of osteoporosis. The pathology of osteoporosis is the study of its nature, causes, and pathogenesis. Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disorder. It occurs when the creation of new bone doesn’t keep up with the removal of old bone. The bones become porous and weaker, increasing the risk of fractures. The two types are primary osteoporosis caused by aging/failure to develop optimal peak bone mass and secondary osteoporosis caused by medications/other conditions affecting bone metabolism. Common symptoms include: back pain, stooped posture, fractures, kyphosis, and loss of height, decreased calcitonin, decreased estrogen, and increased parathyroid hormone. Osteoporosis is characterized by reduced bone mass, deterioration of bone matrix, and diminished bone architectural strength. The prevention measures of osteoporosis should be adhered to as it is the most common borne disorder worldwide.
Read more on the pathology and prevention measures of osteoporosis at
The causes and risk factors are a major component of the pathology of osteoporosis. Sex; Women have a higher risk than men. Age; Older people have a higher risk. Race; Whites and Asians have a higher risk. Medical conditions; Kidney or liver disease, Cancer. Nutrition; low calcium, and vitamin D, and high phosphate intake. Lifestyle choices; Too much consumption of caffeine and alcohol, smoking, and lack of exposure to sunlight, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of weight-bearing exercise. Medications; Intake of corticosteroids, and seizure medications. Thyroid hormone affects calcium absorption and bone metabolism. The two main diagnoses are DXA x-ray that indicates the risk of osteoporotic fractures and BMD testing useful in identifying osteopenia and osteoporotic bone, and in assessing response to therapy. Some of the prevention measures of osteoporosis involve avoidable risk factors e.g. lifestyle modifications.
Read more on the causes and risk factors of osteoporosis at
The Nursing Management process is essential in implementing the prevention measures of osteoporosis. It includes assessment, diagnosis, evaluation of outcomes, and recommendations. The most important prevention measure involves a diet consisting of, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals; increased calcium intake e.g. dairy products, and green leafy vegetables. Increase vitamin D intake as it improves the body’s ability to absorb calcium e.g. eggs. Foods to limit are; too much salt which affects calcium absorption and bone metabolism, carbonated drinks containing phosphoric acid which can increase calcium excretion, and caffeine which has a detrimental effect on bone density. Other prevention measures of osteoporosis are exercises; regular weight-bearing exercises resulting in excellent bone maintenance. Modifications in lifestyle such as reduced use of cigarettes and alcohol. Awareness and education on the pathology of osteoporosis are also important in the prevention of the disease.
Read more on nursing management and prevention measures of osteoporosis at,years%2C%20protects%20against%20skeletal%20demineralization.

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