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Stem cell research is a study that helps in the development of regenerative medicine therapy. Stem cells refer to the blank cells that have the capability of developing into cells. These cells thus serve functions in different parts of the body. Since stem cells can turn into various types of cells, scientists believe that they are useful for the treatment and understanding of diseases. An example is a regenerative medicine which seeks to replace tissues or organs damaged by diseases, trauma, or congenital issues.  Furthermore, the combination of these approaches helps to amplify the natural healing process.

Read more on stem cell research and regenerative medicine therapy at;


Regenerative medicine therapy concentrates on the following areas. Firstly, tissue engineering and biomaterials. This involves a strategy of implanting the body with biologically compatible scaffolds. At the site which needs a new tissue. This helps in the determination of the geometric shape of the tissue hence the new tissue comes out in a desirable shape. Secondly, there are cellular therapies that involve the reconstruction of damaged tissues under the right circumstances. Stem cell research helps in collecting the cells from other body parts. Thirdly, there are medical devices and artificial organs which is helpful especially when there is difficulty finding a donor. For example, using circulatory support as a bridge to heart transplants.

Read more on the concentrations in the field of regenerative medicine therapy at;


Stem cell research is important since it helps in cardiovascular treatment. For instance, research shows that within two weeks of implanting stem cells, a network of blood-perfused vessels forms. Moreover, the quality of these vessels is as good as the natural ones. Secondly, it helps in the study of tissue generation hence the development of regenerative medicine therapy. This is especially important in cases where there is a shortage of donors hence scientists use stem cells to grow specific types of tissues. Moreover, it helps in brain disease treatment. This is because doctors use replacement cells and tissues to treat brain diseases. For example, in Parkinson’s disease, doctors can use stem cells to replenish damaged brain tissues.

Read more on the importance of stem cell research at;

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