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Symbols and language help to enhance communication in the human culture. Language is a symbolic system in which people communicate hence transmitting culture. Some contain a system of symbols for written communication while others rely on spoken communication and non-verbal actions. Societies often share languages that contain basic elements. For example, The English alphabet uses a combination of twenty-six letters to create words. Therefore, these twenty-six letters make up over 600,000 recognized English words. However, language is constantly evolving since societies create new ideas. This is due to the adaptation of new technology and the new words that come with it.

Read more on symbols and language in the human culture at;


The human culture has various characteristics. First, it is learned. Culture is not biological hence people learn it from their families, peers, institutions, and media. Secondly, culture is shared. This, therefore, enables people to act in a socially acceptable way as well as predict how others will act. However, it is not homogenous since people have different cultures. Thirdly, it contains symbols and language which vary cross-culturally and are arbitrary. Besides, language is the most important component of culture. Moreover, it is integrated thus various parts of a culture interconnect. All aspects of a culture relate to one another. Lastly, it is dynamic, meaning, they interact and change by adapting to new environments.

Read more on characteristics of the human culture at;


Symbols and language enable people to make sense of their surrounding world. For instance symbols such as gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words help people understand that world. Moreover, they provide clues to understanding experiences by conveying recognizable meaning shared by the human culture. Additionally, they also convey non-material cultural meaning since some symbols are valuable only to what they represent. Also, people experience their world through their language. Therefore people understand their world through the culture embedded in their language. Nevertheless, language plays a role in shaping reality although it constantly evolves.

Read more on the significance of symbols and language to culture at;

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