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Ensuring food safety helps to avoid poor food hygiene. Food hygiene and food safety are important as they ensure the production and handling of food is safe for consumption. Therefore, they are essential to protect the health of consumers. Moreover, failure to maintain food hygiene and safety leads to serious illnesses among consumers, food poisoning, and foodborne illnesses. Food poisoning occurs after consuming food that has undergone contamination by bacteria, viruses, and other germs. Additionally, a person can treat food poisoning at home. However, at times it may be serious hence requiring medical attention. Furthermore, food businesses must care when supplying food to consumers to ensure food hygiene and safety.

Read more on ensuring food safety and poor food hygiene at;


Primarily, ensuring food safety is essential to protect consumers from foodborne illnesses. Furthermore, it helps to protect consumers from risks of health conditions such as allergy and even death. Resultantly, this protects the health of consumers hence reducing the burden on the healthcare system. Food safety helps to avoid poor food hygiene by ensuring that food-processing companies produce safe products. Additionally, ensuring food safety helps food processing establishments to avoid product recalls that result in financial losses due to unsafe food products.

Read more on the importance of ensuring food safety at;


Ensuring food safety involves various activities to enhance proper food hygiene. Improper storing temperatures of potentially hazardous foods may increase the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Resultantly, this leads to poor food hygiene. It is important to ensure the storage of food at the right temperatures. Moreover, contamination of equipment in food processing may cause foodborne illnesses and food poisoning. The negatively affects the health of consumers. Therefore, it is important to sanitize these food pieces of equipment regularly. Additionally, food from unsafe sources may contain harmful disease-causing bacteria.

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