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There are several religions in Croatia, and the worldview of religions leads to minor conflicts in the country. The country has an area of 21,831 square miles and a population of 4.5 million. Approximately 85 percent of the population is Roman Catholic, and 6 percent is Serbian Orthodox Christian (SPC). Groups that constitute less than 5 percent of the community include Muslims, Jews, and followers of other religions. An introduction to Croatia helps in understanding the timeline of when the religions first began in the country. Lastly, most immigrants are Roman Catholic ethnic Croats from Bosnia. Religions in Croatia rely on the worldview of religions in making their case as the one true religion.

For more information on the religions in Croatia, click


An introduction to Croatia is essential in understanding how the country runs. Croatia is a country in Central Europe and Southeastern Europe on the Adriatic Sea. Geographically, therefore, the government system is a presidential/parliamentary democracy. The chief of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. The religions in Croatia include Christianity, Islam, and Jewish. Also, Croatia has a mixed economic system which consists of a variety of private freedom, combined with centralized financial planning and government regulation. Croatia is a member of the European Union (EU). Therefore, the worldview of religions makes people have different beliefs, especially for a country like Croatia, with many faiths.

For more information on an introduction to Croatia and its political structure, click


The worldview of religions refers to the relationship between how people view the world and religion. People have different concepts and different ways of looking at the world. Therefore, the underlying assumptions about reality that lie behind the beliefs and behavior of a culture are the world views. An introduction to Croatia can help in understanding the worldviews of the different religions in the country. Most people in the world have faith. People want to have their own beliefs. So, today, there are vast numbers of religions in the world. Lastly, religions in Croatia present a case for the exhibition of different worldviews.
For more information on the worldview of religions and how they affect people in a country, click

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