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Writing about art requires one to carry out a proper analysis of the art of any form. In every era, there are different varieties of visual experience, and it may help to have an interpretation. In addition, people spend very little time with each image that they encounter. Writers really can help, even, sometimes, just by describing what’s in a picture. Also, writers can use visual elements of art to describe art accurately. In short, part of the purpose of writing about the visual experience is to slow the reader down and give them the chance to look more carefully. Lastly, writing about art is only valid if the analysis of art is of the highest caliber.

For more information on writing about art, click


The analysis of art is essential for writers of art as it helps in accurately describing a piece of art. Students in the art history survey and upper-level classes further develop this skill. Not everything applies to every work of art, nor is it always useful to consider things in order. Visual elements of art can help in writing a practical formal analysis of any piece of work. In many cases, this information can be found on a label or in a gallery guidebook. There may be an artist’s statement available in the gallery. Writing about art requires students first to know how to carry out an analysis of art.

For more information on the guidelines for the analysis of art, click


Visual elements of art assist writers of art in describing art uniquely and accurately. Artwork often has subject matter like a face, a dog, flowers, trees, and an airplane. It is typical for the subject matter to get our attention as all artwork has elements and principles. The visual elements are Line, Color, Shape, Form, Texture, and Value. Elements create visual effects and help in the analysis of art.   The Visual Elements and Subject Matter, when used separately and together, create all kinds of relationships. Writing about art requires a proper analysis of art to understand the artist’s different perspectives.

For more information on the visual elements of art and how they help in writing about art, click

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