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Parental decision-making over children’s bedtime affects their relationship. Most children do not understand or support their parents’ decisions about their bed time. However, parents have to manage their authority and decisions because they affect children’s lives. Parents should explain to their children the benefits of enough sleep. The digital era makes it especially challenging for parents because children prefer more screen time. Households should develop a system of rules that dictate behavior regarding timeliness. This way, children understand the need to obey their parents and the repercussions that come with disobeying parental decision-making. Children’s bedtime may vary depending on their age, and parents must be wise to ensure that their kids are comfortable with their decisions.
parental decision-making over children’s bedtime


Managing children’s bedtime routines is more challenging for parents or guardians with more than one child. Children have different sleep needs, and one or more may feel that the decisions made regarding their bedtime are unfair. Also, parental decision-making should involve discussions and agreements with their children. They can discuss any sleep problems, like nightmares, trouble breathing, snoring, and resistance in going to bed. With this information, parents can seek professional help to realize the benefits of enough sleep. Consistency with agreed-upon decisions is crucial in maintaining regular children’s bedtime routines. Thus, families can also work as teams to set expectations and allow for well-planned bedtime routines.
managing children’s bedtime routines


There are numerous benefits of enough sleep for children and adults as well. For children, sleep promotes growth, helps the heart, affects weight, and helps beat germs. Bodies secrete the growth hormone during deep sleep. Therefore, it is important to plan your children’s bedtime while they are still young. Sleep disorders relate to more brain arousal during sleep, which increases the risk of heart disorders due to elevated amounts of blood glucose and cortisol. Parental decision-making about bedtime for children has a long-term impact on children’s weight. Lastly, children who experience too little sleep are likely to become overweight, which starts in infancy.
children’s bedtime and the benefits of enough sleep

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