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The CRIM210 social criminology aspect and sociological theories of crime essay discuss various criminology aspects. The investigations of social sciences have reached a point where they need liberation from juridical positivism. Mainly, a criminal is a person found guilty of by a criminal court. However, criminology does not have to limit itself to bad behavior or a distinct group of people. Significantly, there are various causes of crime, ranging from social, economic, to psychological factors. Importantly, criminal behavior doesn’t always lead to a societal reaction in a given pattern. The CRIM210 social criminology aspect and sociological theories of crime research essay provide different perspectives on criminology.

CRM210 social criminology aspect and sociological theories of crime


There are several causes of crime, and the social criminology aspect provides a look into abnormal social behavior. Notably, people throughout history have tried to explain the origins of practices such as crime. The reasons for committing a crime are due to biological, psychological, social, and economic factors. Sociological theories of crime point to the influence of society that leads to people committing crimes. Usually, a combination of these factors is behind a person who commits a crime. Moreover, the reasons for committing a crime include greed, anger, jealously, revenge, or pride. Lastly, the CRIM210 social criminology aspect and sociological theories of crime essay discuss common societal reasons for perpetrating crimes.


The sociological theories of crime provide a different outlook on the causes of crime in a society. Importantly, several criminological theories have developed through sociological inquiry. Moreover, the methods have emphasized that criminal behavior is a normal biological response to social circumstances. Examples include the differential association theory and the theory of anomie. Additionally, there are various causes of crime which can rely on the theories of crime to provide essential information. People may look to other socially unacceptable ways to acquire something as stipulated in the anomie theory. Lastly, the CRIM210 social criminology aspect and sociological theories of crime article helps in understanding the causes of crime

sociological theories of crime and causes of crime

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