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This essay on Itami JŪZŌ’S Tampopo Movie Review offers a movie review in regard to the postmodern Japanese society. The film is a satiric comedy about noodles and how they make, cook, serve, and consume meals. The characters in the movie have high regard for noodles, and even read books with information about noodles. It is part of the culture in the postmodern Japanese society, where a meal goes beyond just eating. In the film, therefore, a lady aspires to serve people with noodles by working at noodle shops. She gets help from a truck driver-noodle connoisseur- Goro and a rich older man who loves noodles. It is different from traditional Japanese cuisine, which is more of rice and emphasizes the use of seasonal ingredients.

Itami Juzo’s Tampopo movie review about postmodern Japanese society


The concept of food in traditional Japanese cuisine came from the influence of China and Korea’s geographical proximity to Japan. The Japanese consider their traditional food a world heritage and a vital aspect of their culture. A Tampopo movie review helps gain more insight into the dishes of the Japanese culture. Culture and the climate of Japan also allow Japan to develop unique dishes, especially given that they live in small communities in local villages. Therefore, during meals, people in postmodern Japanese society take the time to socialize, build stronger bonds, cooperate, work in teams, and help society to develop. It is also a way to thank the gods in rituals.
food in the postmodern Japanese society


The Japanese hold strong values about traditional Japanese cuisine and customs. Other unique aspects are architecture, performing arts, fashion, anime, manga, and Geisha. Japan is also rich in history but experiences a continual state of rapid change, and evolving new trends in fashion and technology. In conducting a Tampopo movie review, we learn about the commitment that Japanese people exhibit about food and how they use mealtimes to interact. Also, Japanese cuisine is famous for its precision and detailed techniques with a unique presentation. Lastly, each postmodern Japanese society of the regions in Japan has its own variety of specialty dishes with carefully selected ingredients to complement its flavor.

culture in traditional and postmodern Japanese society

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