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In the competitive business environment, organizations employ change management, although there are barriers to organizational change. The main objective of introducing organizational change management and its implementation is to improve the organization’s environment. The administration always wants to implement change. That is because they believe that change will result in the realization of several benefits of organizational change. Change is usually traumatic, wholly unknown, and saying goodbye to the former corporate process can be somewhat tricky. Change in the organization results in resistance from many. Organizational change management faces barriers to organizational change, although the change is necessary.
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Organizational change management is the process of planning and implementing change in organizations. This is while simultaneously maximizing the effectiveness of the change effort. Today’s business environment requires companies to change almost regularly. That is if they are to remain competitive and experience the benefits of organizational change. Factors such as globalization of markets and rapidly evolving technology force businesses to respond to survive. Such changes may be relatively minor or quite significant, as in the case of refocusing an overall marketing strategy. Organizational change management faces several barriers to organizational change despite the changing business environment.
For more information on change management and the competitive business environment click


Organizational change management always faces barriers to organizational change. Most employees resist change as it alters the status quo. It also demolishes the zones of comfort they have created for themselves. Organizational change management is beneficial to employees on many counts. Companies who want to reap the advantages of regulatory changes need to entice employees’ barriers by highlighting such benefits. Routine performance in a job might have led the employee into a state of a rut. Besides, the employee might be unaware of the stagnation he or she experiences. The benefits of organizational change on employees include training and development opportunities that usually accompany change.
For more information on the benefits of organizational change and employee development click

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