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This essay discusses the issues surrounding nurse bedside shift report implementation and sustainability, Nurse bedside shift report entails the process of exchanging vital patient information, responsibility, and accountability between the off-going and oncoming nurses. Exchanging patient information at the bedside helps in ensuring safe continuity of care and the delivery of best clinical practices. There are different types of nursing reports. The main ones are a written report, a tape-recorded report, a face-to-face verbal report conducted in a private setting, and face-to-face bedside handoff. All these reports must observe patient safety measures and accuracy of the information, especially for verbal face-to-face handoffs, and written reports.
Read more of nurse bedside shift report implementation and sustainability at 


According to studies, nursing communication, exchanging patient information can improve the patient experience. This is where patients acquire information regarding their care and details of their progress during a bedside shift report. This leads to an enhanced nurse-patient relationship and improvement in overall patient satisfaction. The majority of the studies on nurse bedside shift reports discuss some limitations associated with patient experience. Some patients find it challenging to understand the reports and medical jargon. Some get tired of hearing the information repeatedly, opting for private face-to-face handoffs. Also, have anxiety over incorrect details or too much information. Inconsistency with conducting nurse bedside shift report is also a challenge faced by patients.
Read more of patient experience with bedside shift reports at


Whether it is a private face-to-face handoff or any other reporting method, nurses have to ensure the sustainability of bedside shift reports. Nurses establish reporting as a habit. However, to some, it is challenging to change the old reporting process and sustain the new practice. There are several threats to the successful implementation and sustainability of nurse bedside shift report. They include inconsistency with the new intervention, lack of leadership or employee buy-in, and the lack of continuous process management practices. There could also be negative nursing feedback and emotions when exchanging patient information. Besides, implementing nurse bedside shift reports through an authoritarian leadership approach without the input of frontline nursing staff leads to unsuccessful sustainability.
Read more of the sustainability of bedside shift reports at 

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