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Accepting and reconciling with the past can be a challenging process. Reconciliations give people the chance to mend broken relationships in an effort to bring back some level of peace they once experienced. Through reconciliations, people can balance the effects of past behavior. This means reducing the impact of negative effects and enhancing past positive experiences. One can also take the opportunity to attend to unresolved issues that may be causing emotional hurt, regret, and mental drains. The process of reconciling with our past experiences in life helps people to take better responsibility for their actions while willing to engage in an honest crucial conversation. This way, people can share their desire to improve the situation.
Read more of accepting the past and reconciling with it at 


Currently, many people face and experience the effects of past behavior. Our previous actions and experiences play a major role in determining our current actions. This includes events that took place in our childhood that shape the way we think, act, and interact with people. Reconciling with the past comes in handy, especially for those with a ‘dark past.’ Reconciliations help us to adjust our feelings and attitudes towards the events of the past in a positive way. This influences better surroundings and helps us move on. Moving on means accepting and bearing with past experiences in life, even if they are painful.
Read more of the impacts of past experiences at 


Forgiveness is a crucial part of the process of reconciling with our past experiences in life. Also, forgiveness and reconciliation can occur in any setting or level. This includes forgiveness at the individual, community, national, and trans-national levels. In the process of reconciling with the past, forgiveness comes first. One may forgive but fail to reconcile with the other party. This is especially in cases where the other party still has some negative influence that may hinder the process of moving on. Forgiveness is both a process and a choice that happens when trying to correct some effects of past behavior. Lastly, for most people, forgiveness results in reducing a personal hurt that makes life easier. For others, they forgive and reconcile with enemies they have to interact with.
Read more of forgiveness and reconciliation at 

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