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The continuity of care for substance abuse patients can also include time-unlimited treatment as an option. Recovery check-ups are common, but there exist limitations to the amount of contact patients have with their former therapists. The basis for patient safety measures, in this case, includes managed care, staff caseload, and other considerations. Some residential programs include return visits for patients, with the aim of quality improvement in healthcare. They may consist of peer support group meetings, alumni weekends, or events to reinforce continuity. To evaluate the continuity of care, service providers need to consider their treatment policies around co-occurring disorders. They should also review the policy for substance use relapse in mental health treatment programs.
Read more of the continuity of care for substance abuse patients at 


There are various patient safety measures involved in the continuity of care for substance abuse patients. Numerous quality improvement methods emphasize the importance of identifying a process with less-than-ideal outcomes for patient safety. These methods also measure key performance attributes and use careful analysis to devise new approaches to quality improvement in healthcare. Quality improvements must be systematic and have data-guided activities designed to bring about immediate improvements in health care delivery. Quality improvement applies research into practice, while research develops new interventions for caring for substance abuse patients. We can generalize researches to similar organizations, which applies to all patients recovering from substance abuse.
Read more of patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare at 


Recovering substance abuse patients need to observe safety and quality improvement guidelines for successful recoveries. Improving safety culture enhances staff and patient safety behaviors. Healthcare workers should review and discuss the data on the best practices for quality improvement in healthcare. This way, they can prepare the most-suitable improvement plans for various settings and implement them. Some systems look for improvements in providing safer care in the health care organizations, based on the input provided equally by health professionals and citizens voluntarily. This offers many insights into how we can enhance patient safety measures. This includes systems of accreditation that promote a culture of quality and safety in the field of health and social welfare. Lastly, they allow for the generation of knowledge about quality.
Read more of the best practices for patient safety and quality improvement at 

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