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LAW6098 intellectual property law in consumer rights protection guides the conduct of businesses while disseminating goods and services. The government, activities, and unions develop various principles that define what is wrong and right while conducting business activities. LAW6098 intellectual property law deals with laws for the protection and enforcement of owners and creators of inventions. These inventions are in the form of music, writing, designs, and other works. The areas of intellectual property are as follows. One, copyright law protects publishers, entertainers, fine artists, and computer software developers. Secondly, trademark law protects a phrase design or symbol used in identifying an entity’s product, For example, Apple’s logo. Other types of intellectual properties are patent law and trade secrets. This paper also analyses unethical business practices against consumers.

Read more on LAW6098 intellectual property law in consumer rights protection at


Consumer rights and consumer protection laws guide how individuals fight unethical business practices against consumers. The rules hold sellers accountable for any unlawful actions that are geared towards taking advantage of consumers. These actions are either unfair or outright fraudulent. Some of the common protection cases include the following. Predatory lensing whereby lenders set outrageous interest rates on payment back of loans.  Secondly, taking advantage of vulnerable consumers when they fall behind debt is another type of case. Therefore, the government formulates laws that ensure consumer rights protection while consuming goods and receiving services. Moreover, there are consumer rights class action lawsuits that address similar issues.

Read more on essential consumer rights protection laws at


Consumers occupy first place in a market-oriented economy. Despite this fact, some businesses still engage in activities that violate consumer rights. The following are unethical business practices against consumers. One is adulteration that reduces the quality of products intentionally for profit maximization. It is inappropriate as it results in serious health problems. Secondly is the supply of spurious products that unlawfully bear the names of another product. This puts the welfare of the consumers of these products in jeopardy. In quest of addressing, there exists LAW6098 intellectual property law that deters the imitation of products. Another unethical business practice is the use of deceptive advertisements that mislead consumers into buying potentially harmful products.

Read more on the unethical business practices against consumers today at

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