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Security risk analysis is important in cyber security. Risk analysis basically refers to the review of risks associated with a particular action or event. It applies in information technology, projects, security issues, and other events that require dangeranalysis. Additionally, in every information technology project and business, analysis of risks occurs regularly and helps to identify potential risks. Strategic risk analysis, therefore, helps to minimize the future risk probability and damage. Moreover, there are two types of risk analysis these are; qualitative risk analysis and quantitative risk analysis.


Security risk analysis is beneficial to organizations since it identifies rates and compares the overall, impact of a risk related to the organization. Besides, it enhances the communication and decision-making process related to information security. Moreover, it improves security policies and procedures as well as develops cost-effective methods for implementing these policies and procedures hence reducing unwanted costs. Also, it helps to identify existing gaps in cyber security and also determines the next step to eliminate the risk therefore reducing the cases of information loss and destruction. Lastly, it increases employee awareness about risks and security measures during risk analysis and understanding the financial impacts.


There are six main categories of cyber security. Networks security is the practice of securing a computer network hence prevent intruders and targeted attacks. Application security focuses on keeping soft wares and devices free from threats therefore protecting and monitoring access to data. Information security protects the integrity and privacy of data both in storage and transit. Disaster recovery and business continuity involve how an organization uses security risk analysis to protect and restore information after a disaster. Also, there is operational security that involves the processes of handling and protecting data assets. Lastly, end-user education addresses people on cyber security threats.

Read more on the main categories of cyber security at;

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