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Performing root cause analysis is one measure for ensuring proper quality control. Root cause analysis is the process of discovering the root causes of problems to identify the appropriate solutions. Moreover, it assumes that it is more effective to systematically prevent and resolve an underlying issue rather than dealing with the effects of the issue. Additionally, a company performs root cause analysis with a collection of principles, methodologies, and techniques the can identify the root causes of a trend or event. Furthermore, root causes analysis is a part of the general problem-solving process and an integral part of continuous improvement.


Fundamentally, performing root cause analysis helps to determine and identify defects and their main causes. Through the identification of root causes, a company can come up with the appropriate solutions to reduce the possibility of the defect in the future. Additionally, root cause analysis helps to develop a logical approach to solving problems. A company figures out major problem-solving approaches using information available on the main causes of defect. Furthermore, it is a crucial tool that ensures proper quality control as it analyzes different activities of a company.


Proper quality control encourages quality consciousness among the workers of a company that helps in achieving the level of quality that the company desires. Also, it leads to the satisfaction of consumers as they get better quality products. Moreover, it helps in coming up with the appropriate solutions to improve techniques and methods of production. This is through the supply of technical and engineering data for product and manufacturing processes. Additionally, performing root cause analysis in quality control helps to determine the defects in production. Therefore, the company can address their defects to reduce the production costs and promote its efficiency.

Read more on the importance of proper quality control at;

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