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Analyzing the types of social responsibility and benefits of CSR gives us a better understanding of how organizations give back to the community. Businesses must do more than just making profits and attaining high success margins. In today’s economy, a business’s survival depends on its earnings and observance of social issues in brand building. The types of social responsibility are as follows. One, philanthropic efforts are activities geared towards providing charitable courses such as fundraisers. Secondly, environmental conservation ensures the company observes environmental regulations while conducting its activities. Thirdly, company diversity and labor practices ensure employee welfares are protected in all aspects. Lastly, supporting volunteer efforts among the surrounding community is another type of social responsibility. There are various criticisms of CSR implementation.

Read more on types of social responsibility and benefits of CSR at


CSR is an abbreviation for Corporate Social Responsibility. The various types of social responsibility hold varying benefits to the society and the organization practicing it. Therefore, every company needs to adopt at least one kind of CSR to enjoy the desirable outcomes. The benefits of CSR to business are as follows. One, it creates better recognition of the brand in the eyes of the public. Secondly, it improves the reputation of a company positively, thus attracting customers and investors. Thirdly, it results in increased sales levels and enhances customer loyalty. Other benefits are the attraction of positive media attention, easier identification of business opportunities, and reduced regulatory burden. Despite these benefits, there are several criticisms of CSR implementation.

Read more on the benefits of CSR to a business organization at


The types of social responsibility face various criticism in their process of implementation. Not everyone believes Corporate Social Responsibility is appropriate. The criticisms of CSR implementation include the following points. One is that CSR lacks clarity and is not homogenous. It is a broad discipline; hence is interpreted differently among different people. Therefore, this makes it difficult for the operationalization of the course. Secondly, some believe that some organizations practice CSR for profit gains and not to better the world. Thirdly, organizations’ psychopathic nature in improving their image at all costs may bring out the application of CSR for selfish motives. Additionally, some organizations use social responsibility as a way of hiding their vicious activities from the public

Read more on drawbacks and criticism of CSR implementation in companies at

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