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This paper examines the evolution of technology and the impact of technology. The evolution of technology into better versions over the years is evident. In between evolution, two major generations represent the influence of technology on behaviours and lifestyles. The first Is blooming boomers born between the years 1945 and 1965. Apple products and International Business Machines (IBM) personal computers are among the first introductions. This generation grew up using televisions, radios, and landline telephones. Therefore, technology didn’t play a major role in their lives. The second generation is materialistic millennials, born between the years 1979 and 2000. Between this period evolution of technology is extreme. As a result, global communication is possible, and the impacts of technology on individual lives are major.
evolution of technology and the impact of technology


The evolution of technology influences various individuals, especially the younger generation positively.  Currently, daily life without gadgets such as phones and computers is difficult. This is because if the multiple uses of technology that eases daily tasks. Each economically capable individual uses at least one technological gadget in their daily activities. The impacts of technology cut across all ages and classes but youths are the most predominant. Technology facilitates social interactions, therefore, allowing maintenance of healthy social relationships. Besides, the evolution of technology facilitates out of class learning. With the current pandemic, classroom learning isn’t possible. Therefore, learning is conducted using communication gadgets and the internet. Moreover, the use of technology is a source of leisure. Children play video games and other games in their free time.
positive influences of technology on the youth


The evolution of technology presents not only positive aspects but also negative aspects. This section examines the negative influences of technology. The advancements in technology increase the levels of impatience in younger people. Before sending messages was through letters and mail, which took some time. Currently, there is the internet that fastens the communication process. As a result, people expect immediate reply failure to which results in anxiety. Secondly, technology results in the divide of a child’s social life and addiction. Most spend a lot of time watching and playing games rather than going out to the place. In turn, physical health is greatly affected, resulting in conditions such as obesity. Moreover, there are extreme impacts of technology on one’s mental health. These include stress and depression due to cyberbullying.
 negative technological impacts on the younger generation

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