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This research paper analyses domestic violence causes and the safety of violence victims. Domestic violence is aggressive behavior arising within a home setting. The victims of domestic violence are spouses, children, or even other family members. Sexual, emotional, or physical abuse and manipulation are forms of domestic violence. However, physical abuse is the most common form of domestic violence. Moreover, reporting of domestic violence is among girls and women. The impact of domestic violence is short-term if the victim gets help. However, some impacts are long-term and are unsuitable for victims’ mental health. Most victims are unable to escape these unhealthy relationships and as a result, leading to fatal outcomes.

Read more on domestic violence and the safety of violence survivors at


Surviving domestic violence is not an easy ordeal. Various organizations provide tips for the safety of violence victims, such as A safety plan provides the actions undertaken for ensuring the safety of abuse victims. For example, there are three guidelines for dealing with an abusive spouse. The first one is what to do during the violence, such as being aware of abuse signs. Secondly, what to tell the children to calm them and to ensure their safety. Lastly, it provides a guideline on how to get help in case of an incident. Moreover, there are various helplines that victims contact for help. Providing public awareness of domestic violence causes is essential in preventing outcomes.

Read more in strategies of ensuring the safety of violence victims at


Domestic violence is a vice that needs close attention for its termination. It gets to the point that the impact of domestic violence is fatal. Provision of extensive awareness of the dangers is essential for the preservation of life. It impacts the victims in the following ways. Victims’ physical health deteriorates due to the beating and injuries they incur. Secondly, it affects the mental health of victims. This is because they develop psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and depression due to the trauma. Moreover, victims may develop heart disease, HIV/AIDS, and stroke. Also, the trauma compels victims into drug abuse and unsafe sex for coping with the trauma. As a result, ensuring the safety of violence victims is essential through monitoring.

Read more on the impact of domestic violence in society at

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