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Company resource investment and social media presence are essential for small businesses to succeed. Besides, nearly all small businesses plan to invest more time and money in social media. Moreover, they most want to invest more in Facebook, a trend that is likely to continue. Notably, as of 2017, 81% of the U.S. population uses social media, a number that grows each year. Given this fact, it makes sense that most businesses are increasing their investment in social media to reach these consumers. Nevertheless, social media presence plays a central role in product and service advertisement. Consequently, Small businesses can use this report to learn how other companies invest in social media and gain inspiration. Therefore, the managers of companies should significantly invest in social media.

Read more about company resource investment and social media presence at


Have you ever wondered how advertising can help a business?  In short, it helps your business grow. Therefore, company resource investment in an advertisement is essential for business growth. Consequently, advertising helps change outdated or negative perceptions of your business, if necessary. Moreover, Advertising can also increase your industry visibility, helping you attract partners that can expand your business. Indirectly, advertising enables you to grow word of mouth referrals. Additionally, advertising increases your social media presence. Besides, the more new customers you gain through advertising, the more word of mouth those customers will share with others. Nevertheless, it helps attract new customers and sell more products and services to existing customers. Finally, it is the managers of companies that realize the benefits of investing appropriately.

Read more about benefits of company resource investment in an advertisement at 


Let’s start with one simple fact: your business needs a social media presence. Besides, it doesn’t matter if you run a small local shop or a big national company. Social media is an essential piece of your business marketing strategy. Therefore, company resource investment in social media is vital. Therefore, Social platforms help you connect with your customers, increase awareness about your brand, and boost your leads and sales.  With more than three billion people using social media every month, the users and engagement on powerful platforms just keep increasing. Additionally, Social media presence provides immense potential for businesses because consumers habitually log on to it daily. However, it also presents enormous challenges for businesses because it’s an ever-changing space that is extremely noisy and crowded.

Read more about importance of social media presence at

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