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Increasing employee engagement by encouraging volunteerism in organization is beneficial to the organization and its employees. Employee engagement is the degree to which employees feel motivated, passionate, and invested in whatever they do within the organization. It requires input from the entire leadership team and sufficient planning. There are several ways of increasing employee engagement. They include the following incentives. Modeling core values and creating emphasis on the mission gives employees goals to look forward to its achievement. Secondly, prioritizing employee feedback and acting to it gives employees a sense of inclusivity. Additionally, encouraging volunteerism in the organization is another method. As a result, the organization experiences the benefits of employee engagement.

Read more on increasing employee engagement by encouraging volunteerism in the organization at


Research shows that volunteering improves mental health, lowers blood pressure, and increases happiness. Therefore, many companies provide corporate volunteer programs for their employees so that they experience these benefits. Additionally, it is a way of increasing employee engagement and boosting their morale.  Moreover, corporate volunteer programs are a way of giving back to the community. The methods of encouraging volunteerism in organizations include the following. One is by providing paid time off for employee volunteering activities. Secondly, using the company’s internal communication facilities to showcase various not for profit organizations. This strategy presents employees with community needs, thus encouraging them to help out. Another method is the integration of volunteerism into the organizational culture.

Read more on ways of encouraging volunteerism in the organization at


Increasing employee engagement is crucial for each organization that wants to enjoy the benefits. As evident in the other section, it has various strategies for its implementation without coercing employees into it. One of the effective methods is through encouraging volunteerism in organizations. Volunteerism gives employee a sense of job satisfaction apart from encouraging engagement. The benefits of employee engagement include the following. One is it increases employee safety in terms of turnover. Therefore, employees focus more on the task at hand rather than the room for advancement. Secondly, it leads to better employee health due to increased respect for healthy living needs and maintenance. Additionally, expanded employee engagement results in happier, thus reduces chances of industrial actions and rebellion.

Read more on the benefits of employee engagement in organizations at

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