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Occasionally, clinicians apply the concept of acupuncture management therapy of chronic lower back pain. Notably, research considers acupuncture management therapy of pain to be beneficial. Acupuncture is an old technique among the Chinese that they apply in cases of pain. However, clinicians still apply the technique today. Mainly, they use it to manage such pain as chronic lower back pain. Markedly, research shows that the technique is very efficient. As a result, it continues to achieve better health outcomes among the patients. The process mainly involves the insertion of needles at the pressure points of the body. This requires the need of a professional so that the needles cause no pain and the patient gets to heal.

Read more about acupuncture management therapy of chronic lower back pain at:


Acupuncture management therapy of pain is essential in several situations. However, in some instances, complications may arise. Therefore, the procedure requires expertise when handling such conditions as chronic lower back pain. Firstly, the procedure may interfere with pacemakers of the heart. This is because the procedure involves the application of mild electrical pulses. Thus, these may interfere with the functioning of the pacemakers. Additionally, the procedure may predispose one to bleeding disorders. Supposing an individual is on blood thinners, the bruising from the needles may easily cause bleeding. This is because the blood may fail to clot, causing an individual to fail to achieve better health outcomes.

Read more about risks associated with acupuncture management therapy of diseases at:


Understanding the process of acupuncture management therapy of diseases alone is not enough in controlling pain. Therefore, it is essential to look into factors causing chronic lower back pain understand the root of the pain. As such, it will be easier to manage the pain by alleviating the root cause. Firstly, chronic lower back pain may result from herniation of the lumbar disc. The protein from the herniation may cause inflammation resulting in pain. Additionally, the pain may be from degenerative disc disease. This comes with age as the discs lose hydration. Thus they fail to resist pressure, thereby causing pain. Therefore, understanding such root causes of the pain can help ensure better health outcomes for patients.

Read more about causes of chronic lower pain at:

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